OFFICE HOURS: MON-FRI: 09:30-18:30

Studio Space In Manchester For Filming

The studio is a 75ft x 50ft heated space with production office, makeup room and shootable kitchen for filming and video shoots




The studio is a 75ft x 50ft heated space where there is no noise restrictions. We find it the perfect venue for music videos, commercials and other content creation where a controlled environment is required. One end is our Production office, makeup room, shootable Kitchen, Storage and Prop Museum. The other end is the infinifty cove. Option of open brick and interesting decay textures and rusted metals All this can be hidden with the internal curtains closed it creates a 50 x 50ft black box area. Various 13amp sockets on different ring mains are in every corner of the building. We also have a 63amp 3 phase supply.


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