
Film Locations, What's Hot
27 / 02 / 2024Tim Beasley of talks about the locations that are often sought by film production companies

Cinematographer: Advice For Location Owners
17 / 02 / 2024DoP Alex Metcalfe offers 5 tips to location owners interested in renting their property for filming

The Secret Life of Buses in advertising
02 / 02 / 2024Bus operator shares his experience of hiring his fleet of buses to film and media industry.

Let's sink a car for Top Gear!
09 / 06 / 2023Understand what it takes to film car dunked into a lake. See the incredible footage and find out what it takes to choose the right location. Don't miss this

Belfast Telegraph Film Location Article
06 / 03 / 2023News article published on 6/3/23 featuring film location agency about hiring property in Northern Ireland for filming.

Signature to launch UK survival thriller ‘Hounded’ at the EFM (exclusive)
02 / 02 / 2022UK sales and distribution company Signature Entertainment is introducing buyers to Tommy Boulding’s Hounded at the European Film Market this week and has confirmed it will release the film in the UK and Ireland.

High Snobiety - Gucci x Northface Campaign
23 / 03 / 2021UKFL contributes to a hugely successful Gucci x Northface advertising campaign

Lorenzo Agius Interview - Shooting Underwater For Vanity Fair/Canon (LON1721)
13 / 02 / 2018This was an underwater stills shoot for Canon & Vanity Fair that was held in July 2017. provided the underwater film studio in South London (LON1721) to host the shoot. Lorenzo goes on to say......
A day in the life of a location agency!
12 / 09 / 2017Today was an eventful day at Towers. Monday included many new opportunities, several new recce's, and already have contracts to write. (Contracts team are starting to fe...

Proactiv+ Live Facebook Blogging (Manchester '17)
24 / 03 / 2017On 21st March one of our locations in Manchester (NW2583) played host to a live #CookingClean session on Facebook with Maeve Madden and Lilly Sabri. The event, involving cooking of recipes live to...

Derbyshire Welcomes Yasmin Ogbu
24 / 03 / 2017Earlier in March we were pleased to host and have an amazing fun time with Yasmin Ogbu here in Derbyshire. Yasmin is a top international model and dancer, and this was her first shoot with us. We r...

RADAR - 5 Questions to ask about Awards and Competitions
08 / 03 / 2017Founder of both Radar Creatives and the Radar Awards Caroline Bottomley shares five questions that everyone should ask themselves before they enter an award or competition... 1/ What do I get if I...