Lorenzo Agius Interview - Shooting Underwater For Vanity Fair/Canon (LON1721)

This was an underwater stills shoot for Canon & Vanity Fair that was held in July 2017. UKFilmLocation.com provided , using our underwater film studio in South London. Lorenzo goes on to say.... "Around this time Sergei was preparing for his film debut in the period piece Murder on the Orient Express. We decided to put him in a suit, because for Vanity Fair there needs to be that fashion element. For me this was really a portrait shoot, though. I wanted to focus on the beauty of his body and what he does, to freeze it and slow it right down – hence the water.”
For us, this was a really interesting shoot. The owner is a hugely experienced underwater Cameraman, DoP, Gaffer, and with some of his advice and guidance, helped to ensure that the shoot produced amazing results.
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