OFFICE HOURS: MON-FRI: 09:30-18:30 Break More Records

So.... as we close out 2013 we're really pleased to report that, for the 7th year in a row (and through one of the worst recessions in our history), that this year has been our best year yet! We've been involved in projects that have been really interesting, high profile, or both, and met some amazing new people - location owners and location hirers. Our team has also grown over the year, and we now offer the best service that we've ever offered, with talented location managers and dedicated support staff. (Compliments to their quality of service are being received daily! - Thanks to those of you who have been so kind. These comments are all passed on, and appreciated immensely!) Also, we broke major milestones on Facebook & Twitter, and in driving through the 1200 locations barrier on the website. All of these promotional initiatives give us greater general exposure and help to attract more great locations to give our production companies more fantastic location options. Finally though, its not about us. Its about all of YOU - Owners and Hirers. Without you we wouldnt have a business - certainly not one that is growing as fast as we are - or that gives us the buzz every day that permeates through our office. To everyone who we have worked with this year, and in previous years, .... THANKS FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR! We have some major new enhancements to release in January, and we promise that 2014 will be even better.... and we really can't wait! Merry XMas and Happy New Year
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