OFFICE HOURS: MON-FRI: 09:30-18:30 Christmas Message

We've had another fantastic year, engaging in interesting projects (of all sizes - Paddington Bear (film), Proctor & Gamble (commercials), SKY Arts (TV Idents), Tinchie Styider (Music vids) and many many more), and meeting fabulous people both in production companies and our unberatable group of enthusiastic, flexible and accommodating location owners who allow these shoots to go ahead at their properties!

From our side, it's been hard work, but totally enjoyable fixing up all these shoots and interacting with you all. THANKS to everyone we've worked with especially our owners who mean so much to us, and who are generally absolutely amazing people!

We'd like to wish you all a VERY MERRY XMAS from me (Tim) and my team here at Have a fantastic holiday break!

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