Deadpool (film)
Deadpool is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. It is intended to be the eighth installment in the X-Men film series. The film is directed by Tim Miller, with a screenplay by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, and stars Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T. J. Miller, Gina Carano, Brianna Hildebrand, Andre Tricoteux, and Leslie Uggams. In Deadpool, after being subjected to an experiment which leaves Wade Wilson with new abilities, Wilson hunts down the man who nearly destroyed his life. In February 2004, development for the film began with New Line Cinema. However, in March 2005, New Line Cinema put the film in turnaround and 20th Century Fox became interested. In May 2009, 20th Century Fox lent the film to writers, and in April 2011, Miller was hired to direct. Principal photography commenced in Vancouver, Canada, in March 2015 and ended in May. Deadpool is scheduled for release on February 12, 2016, in North America.Latest news
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